Best Alternatives to Notepad++ for Mac OS (Is It Possible to Download Notepad++ for Mac?)

Introduction: Notepad++ is a widely used text editor that has gained popularity among Windows users for its powerful features and extensive plugin support. However, for Mac users, Notepad++ is not officially available. Many Mac users wonder if there is a version of Notepad++ specifically designed for their operating system. In this article, we will address this question and explore the best alternatives to Notepad++ for Mac OS, ensuring that you can find a suitable text editor to meet your needs.

Is It Possible to Download Notepad++ for Mac? Unfortunately, Notepad++ is not natively available for Mac OS. The software is specifically designed for Windows operating systems and does not have an official Mac version. However, this does not mean Mac users are left without options. There are several excellent alternatives that offer similar features and functionality, providing a seamless text editing experience on Mac OS.

  1. Sublime Text: Sublime Text is a highly regarded text editor that is available for both Windows and Mac OS. It offers a clean and intuitive interface, powerful search and replace capabilities, and extensive plugin support. Sublime Text provides syntax highlighting for a wide range of programming languages and offers multiple cursors, allowing simultaneous editing of multiple lines.
  2. Atom: Atom is an open-source text editor developed by GitHub. It is customizable and highly extensible, making it a popular choice among developers. Atom offers a user-friendly interface, a vast library of plugins, and the ability to collaborate with other users in real-time. It supports multiple panes for easy multitasking and comes with built-in Git integration.
  3. Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a versatile code editor developed by Microsoft. While primarily focused on coding, it is also an excellent text editor for general use. VS Code provides a wide range of features, including intelligent code completion, debugging tools, and integrated terminal support. It supports numerous programming languages and offers a vast extension ecosystem to enhance functionality.
  4. TextMate: TextMate is a lightweight and efficient text editor designed exclusively for Mac OS. It features a powerful search and replace functionality, syntax highlighting for various programming languages, and a highly customizable interface. TextMate supports snippets, macros, and offers a vast library of bundles to extend its capabilities.
  5. BBEdit: BBEdit is a professional text editor that has been a favorite among Mac users for many years. It provides an array of powerful features, including advanced search and replace, code folding, and syntax coloring. BBEdit supports a wide range of programming languages, offers robust file management options, and integrates well with other tools commonly used by developers.

Conclusion: While Notepad++ is not available for Mac OS, there are numerous alternatives that provide similar functionality and cater specifically to Mac users. Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio Code, TextMate, and BBEdit are among the top choices for Mac users looking for a reliable text editor. Each of these alternatives offers unique features, a user-friendly interface, and extensive customization options. Explore these options to find the text editor that best suits your requirements and enhance your productivity on Mac OS.

How to Perform Multiple Searches in Notepad++


Notepad++ is a popular text editor that offers a wide range of features, making it a preferred choice for programmers, web developers, and writers. While it is known for its powerful search and replace functionality, many users are unaware that it also allows multiple searches within a document. In this article, we will guide you through the process of performing multiple searches in Notepad++, enabling you to streamline your workflow and find specific content more efficiently.

Step-by-step Guide

Step 1: Opening Notepad++ and Loading a Document Begin by launching Notepad++ on your computer. If you don’t have it installed, you can download it from our website. After opening the application, either create a new document or open an existing one by selecting “File” from the menu and choosing the appropriate option.

Step 2: Accessing the Find Dialog Box To initiate a search in Notepad++, press “Ctrl + F” on your keyboard or click on “Search” in the menu bar and select “Find…” from the dropdown menu. This action will open the Find dialog box, which is the primary tool for conducting searches in Notepad++.

Step 3: Performing the First Search In the Find dialog box, enter the search term or phrase in the “Find what” field. Choose the desired search options such as “Match case” or “Match whole word” to refine your search, if needed. Click on the “Find Next” button to jump to the first occurrence of the search term in the document. The selected instance will be highlighted.

Step 4: Finding Subsequent Occurrences After locating the first instance, you can continue searching for additional occurrences by clicking on the “Find Next” button again. Notepad++ will navigate to the next instance of the search term. By repeating this step, you can sequentially move through all the matches in the document.

Step 5: Utilizing the Mark Feature Notepad++ also provides a useful feature called “Mark” that allows you to highlight all the occurrences of the search term in the document. To use this feature, click on the “Mark” tab in the Find dialog box. Enter the search term in the “Find what” field and click on the “Mark All” button. Notepad++ will mark each instance by highlighting the background color of the corresponding line.

Step 6: Conducting Additional Searches In Notepad++, you can perform multiple searches simultaneously by using the “Find in Files” feature. Access this feature by selecting “Search” from the menu and choosing “Find in Files…” from the dropdown menu. In the Find in Files dialog box, enter the search term, specify the directory or files to search in, and choose the search options as desired. Click on the “Find All” button, and Notepad++ will display a list of results that match the search criteria.


You can look video instruction bellow:


Notepad++ offers powerful search capabilities, allowing users to find specific content quickly within documents. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can perform multiple searches efficiently, saving time and improving productivity. Whether you need to locate specific lines of code, references, or information in a large text document, Notepad++’s search features will assist you in navigating through your files with ease. Take advantage of these tools to enhance your text editing experience and streamline your workflow.

How to Do Uppercase in Notepad++: A Guide to Changing Text Case in Notepad++

Notepad++ is a popular text editor among developers and programmers due to its wide range of features and plugins. One of its key features is the ability to change text case, including making text uppercase. In this article, we will explore how to do uppercase in Notepad++.

How to Do Uppercase in Notepad++

There are several ways to make text uppercase in Notepad++. Here are three methods you can use:

Method 1: Use the Keyboard Shortcut

The easiest way to make text uppercase in Notepad++ is to use the keyboard shortcut. Simply highlight the text you want to convert to uppercase, and press the “Ctrl” and “Shift” keys together with the letter “U”. This will convert the selected text to uppercase.

Method 2: Use the Menu Bar

Another way to make text uppercase in Notepad++ is to use the menu bar. Here’s how:

  1. Highlight the text you want to convert to uppercase.
  2. Go to the “Edit” menu and select “Convert Case to”.
  3. Select “UPPERCASE” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click “OK” to convert the selected text to uppercase.

Method 3: Use Regular Expressions

Notepad++ also has a powerful Regular Expression (RegEx) engine that can be used to make text uppercase. Here’s how:

  1. Highlight the text you want to convert to uppercase.
  2. Go to the “Search” menu and select “Replace”.
  3. In the “Find what” field, enter “(.*)”.
  4. In the “Replace with” field, enter “\U\1”.
  5. Check the “Regular expression” option.
  6. Click “Replace All” to convert the selected text to uppercase.


In conclusion, Notepad++ makes it easy to change text case, including making text uppercase. Whether you prefer to use the keyboard shortcut, the menu bar, or Regular Expressions, Notepad++ provides several ways to quickly and easily convert text to uppercase. By following these simple steps, you can take advantage of this powerful feature in Notepad++ and improve your productivity and efficiency when working with text.

Are Notepad++ Plugins Safe? A Guide to Ensuring the Safety of Plugins in Notepad++

Notepad++ is a popular text editor among developers and programmers due to its wide range of features and plugins. However, users may be concerned about the safety of Notepad++ plugins, especially if they are installing them from third-party sources. In this article, we will explore the safety of Notepad++ plugins and provide a guide to ensuring the safety of plugins in Notepad++.

Are Notepad++ Plugins Safe?

Notepad++ plugins can be safe, but it depends on where you download them from. Not all plugins are created equal, and some plugins may contain malware or other harmful code that can compromise your computer’s security. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when downloading and installing Notepad++ plugins, especially from unknown or untrusted sources.

How to Ensure the Safety of Notepad++ Plugins

Here are some steps you can take to ensure the safety of Notepad++ plugins:

  1. Download plugins from trusted sources: Stick to downloading plugins from the official Notepad++ website or other reputable sources. Avoid downloading plugins from unknown or untrusted sources, as they may contain harmful code.
  2. Check the reviews and ratings: Before downloading a plugin, check the reviews and ratings from other users who have already installed it. This will give you an idea of whether the plugin is safe and reliable.
  3. Scan downloaded files for viruses: Use antivirus software to scan any plugin files you download before installing them. This will help you detect any malware or viruses that may be hiding in the file.
  4. Keep your antivirus software up to date: Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and running in the background at all times. This will help detect any potential threats and keep your computer safe.
  5. Keep Notepad++ updated: Make sure you are using the latest version of Notepad++ and that all plugins are up to date. This will ensure that any known security vulnerabilities are patched and that the plugins are safe to use.


Notepad++ plugins can be a valuable addition to your coding and editing toolbox, but it is important to ensure their safety before downloading and installing them. By downloading plugins from trusted sources, checking reviews and ratings, scanning downloaded files for viruses, keeping antivirus software up to date, and keeping Notepad++ updated, you can ensure that the plugins you use are safe and reliable.

Where are Notepad++ Plugins? A Guide to Finding and Installing Plugins in Notepad++

Notepad++ is a popular text editor among developers and programmers. Its wide range of features and plugins makes it a powerful tool for coding and editing. However, some users may be confused about where to find and install Notepad++ plugins. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding and installing Notepad++ plugins.

Where to Find Notepad++ Plugins

Notepad++ has a dedicated Plugin Manager that makes it easy to find and install plugins. To access the Plugin Manager, go to the “Plugins” menu and click on “Plugin Manager”. From there, you will see a list of available plugins that you can browse through and select the ones you want to install.

Another option is to go to the Notepad++ website and navigate to the “Plugins” section. This section provides a comprehensive list of all the available plugins for Notepad++. You can browse through the list and download the plugins you want to use.

How to Install Notepad++ Plugins

Once you have found the plugins you want to use, installing them is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Download the Plugin

Go to the website where you found the plugin and download the plugin file.

Step 2: Install the Plugin

Open Notepad++ and go to the “Plugins” menu. Click on “Plugin Manager” and select “Show Plugin Manager”. From there, click on “Install” and browse to the location where you saved the plugin file. Select the file and click “Install”. Notepad++ will then install the plugin and you will be prompted to restart the application.

Alternatively, you can install the plugin manually by copying the plugin file to the “plugins” folder in the Notepad++ installation directory.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

Once Notepad++ has restarted, you can verify that the plugin has been installed by going to the “Plugins” menu and checking that the plugin is listed there. You can also check the plugin’s settings to configure it to your preferences.


Notepad++ plugins are a powerful tool that can enhance your coding and editing experience. Finding and installing plugins is a straightforward process that can be done through the Plugin Manager or the Notepad++ website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily find and install the plugins you need to take your coding skills to the next level.

Can Notepad++ Format JSON?

Notepad++ is a popular free text editor used by developers and writers alike. One of its key features is the ability to format JSON data. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is widely used for data exchange between client and server. In this article, we will explore how to use Notepad++ to format JSON data.

Notepad++ JSON Formatter

Formatting JSON data can be a tedious task, especially when dealing with large or complex data structures. Notepad++ provides a simple and efficient way to format JSON data, making it easier to read and understand. To format JSON data in Notepad++, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Install the JSON Viewer plugin

Notepad++ does not have a built-in JSON formatter, so we need to install a plugin called JSON Viewer. To do this, select “Plugins” from the menu bar, then select “Plugin Manager” and choose “Show Plugin Manager”. From there, search for “JSON Viewer” and click “Install”.

Step 2: Open the JSON file

Open the JSON file you want to format in Notepad++. If the file is not in JSON format, you can convert it to JSON format using an online converter.

Step 3: Format the JSON data

Once you have the JSON Viewer plugin installed and your JSON file open, select “Plugins” from the menu bar and choose “JSON Viewer”. This will open a dialog box with the formatted JSON data.

Step 4: Save the formatted JSON data

If you want to save the formatted JSON data, select “File” from the menu bar and choose “Save As”. Give the file a new name and make sure to save it with the .json extension.

Notepad++ JSON Formatter Options

The JSON Viewer plugin also provides several options to customize the formatting of your JSON data. These options include:

To access these options, select “Plugins” from the menu bar, choose “JSON Viewer”, and then choose “Options”. From there, you can customize the formatting options to suit your needs.


In conclusion, Notepad++ is a versatile text editor that provides a simple and efficient way to format JSON data. With the JSON Viewer plugin, you can easily format your JSON data to make it more readable and easier to understand. By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily format your JSON data in Notepad++.

Notepad++ Dark Mode: How to Enable it?


Notepad++ is a popular text editor that offers a lot of features and customization options to make the editing experience smoother and efficient. One of the features that Notepad++ offers is a dark mode, which can be easy on the eyes for those who work for long hours on the editor. In this guide, we will show you how to enable Notepad++ dark mode.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enable Notepad++ Dark Mode

Follow these simple steps to enable Notepad++ dark mode:

Once you have completed these steps, Notepad++ will be in dark mode. You can easily switch back to the light mode by following the same steps and selecting “Default” in the “Select theme” drop-down menu.


Enabling Notepad++ dark mode is a simple process that can enhance your editing experience, especially if you work for extended periods on the editor. With the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily enable dark mode and switch back to light mode whenever you want.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files: A Guide


Notepad++ is a popular free text editor used by developers and writers alike. One of its key features is the ability to compare two files. Comparing two files can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when you need to check for changes between two versions of a document, or when you need to merge changes from two different files into one. In this article, we will explore how to use Notepad++ to compare two files in different ways.

Step-by-Step Guide to Compare Two Files

Follow these simple steps to compare two files using Notepad++:

Additional you can look video instruction bellow:

Video “How to Compare Files in Notepad++”

Notepad++ Compare Two Files Online

Unfortunately, Notepad++ does not have an online version, so it cannot be used to compare files online. However, there are other online tools that can be used to compare files, such as Diffchecker and TextCompare.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files Side by Side

One of the most common ways to compare two files in Notepad++ is to open them side by side. To do this, simply open both files in Notepad++ and select “View” from the menu bar. Then select “View Side by Side” and the two files will be displayed side by side.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files and Save Differences

Another useful feature in Notepad++ is the ability to save the differences between two files. To do this, open both files in Notepad++ and select “Plugins” from the menu bar. Then select “Compare” and choose “Compare” again. This will open a dialog box showing the differences between the two files. To save the differences, select “Export” and choose a file name and location to save the differences.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files Plugin

Notepad++ has a plugin called Compare that can be used to compare two files. To install this plugin, select “Plugins” from the menu bar and select “Plugin Manager”. Then select “Show Plugin Manager” and search for “Compare”. Once you have installed the plugin, you can compare two files by selecting “Plugins” from the menu bar and selecting “Compare” and then “Compare”. This will open a dialog box showing the differences between the two files.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files Command Line

Notepad++ can also be used to compare two files from the command line. To do this, open the command prompt and navigate to the Notepad++ installation directory. Then type “notepad++.exe -compare file1 file2” where file1 and file2 are the names of the files you want to compare. This will open Notepad++ and show the differences between the two files.

Notepad++ Compare Two Files and Merge

Notepad++ also has the ability to merge changes from two different files into one. To do this, open both files in Notepad++ and select “Plugins” from the menu bar. Then select “Compare” and choose “Merge”. This will open a dialog box showing the differences between the two files, and you can choose which changes to keep by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Once you have made your selections, select “Save” to save the merged file.


In conclusion, Notepad++ is a versatile text editor that can be used to compare and merge changes between two files in several different ways. Whether you prefer to compare files side by side, use a plugin or the command line, or merge changes from two files into one, Notepad++ has a solution for you.